Here it is, December January (I started writing this in December). My last post was July.
July. 5 6 months ago.
A huge portion of starting this photography journey was for the writing. I love it. I love what it invokes in me - deeper thinking. awareness. appreciation. documentation of life. To be honest, the photography was almost secondary. Life, Love & Lemons - is really about life. My life, and others. About the journey - ups and downs of life - through words and pictures. This blog has been neither, lately.
Life is happening. It is moving so fast, I can't keep up. My passion for writing, is now just another thing to do. At some point, something has to give. I have many posts that I have started in my head - lovely short stories that have come from the tender moments with my kids. And others, the tender moments that arise while taking family pictures, celebrating new life - of bellies, babies and weddings. I just can't find the time to post them. I want to! I want to boast about this little chubby cheeked girl that has graced my life - and the highs and lows about everything else. The photography business is booming with weddings and families and adorable kids - and one more reason why I can't get sessions blogged - I try to pride myself on a prompt turn around time, and I have been able to keep it - but not blog. I just can not find the time.
Here it is, December January and I am finally able to put some words down. I call this the start of my slow time. And, it isn't. It is still busy. It is the time when my mind and body finally get to catch up to each other. I am once again, thinking about the next step - the next adventure that I want to start down. The best part, through all of the hussle - I get to keep dreaming. I am still finding inspiration at every turn. Winter is my time to plan my attack. Approaching and building ... right after I update my website with a new look and updated pictures! What a difference a photography season makes. I'm learning a lot - and I love the loyalty I get from clients, and the referrals they continue to bless me with!
Below is just a taste of all of the beautiful people I was able to first meet, or watch grow - from engagements to weddings and from growing bellies to growing families. I loved 2014 and am super excited for 2015!
Thank you for all of the loyalty - you all have become more than clients - you are dear friends! Can't wait to see what happens in 2015!