Day 9, Thursday: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words)
a gift from my Mom - does she know me or what!
Most of days look the same.... The mornings are usually crazy. Hit snooze one too many times, shower, make breakfast for B, get dressed, maybe make-up, maybe blow dry, get B dressed, grab the remaining bits of breakfast for him to eat in the car or at Mrs. A's house. His daycare is literally 2 blocks from the house. I have wonderful intentions of walking there now that it is nice out... I will also have to get up earlier. Either way, I always run 'late' too work. I just say my hours are from 7:45 to 5:15... instead of 7:30-5:00 like they are supposed to be :)
A few of my favorite parts of my morning, is my coffee - not only is it a necessity, but John makes it for me and delivers it to whatever room I happen to be frantically getting ready in. From there it is a hurried kiss good-bye. I love that part of our morning. It isn't much, but it is the little things that make it special. My other favorite is Brayden... Even on the frustrating days when he begs for just a few more minutes to finish his cartoon (which is typically why I run late) or when he gives me his sad face because he just wants us 'to stay together'. And yes, even though I hear it multiple times a week, it always breaks my heart. This week, he is in VA. So, I have actually been to work on time.... which is fun to watch people do a double take when I walk in the door BEFORE 7:30. But, I miss my little buddy. I miss his questions. I miss his smile. I miss his pucker when we kiss good-bye, and kiss hello. I am ready for him to be home. I miss the chaos. I wouldn't trade it for anything.