In Brayden's 3 1/2 years of life - He has had more dental work done then many adults.
At 5 months, he got his first 2 teeth. But, when they came in, they had a greyness to them. Over the next several months, they chipped away - eventually exposing his nerve. So, at 13 months old, he had to have a double root canal.
6 months later, the veneer cover popped off. The entire cap needed to be replaced. We had to do the entire thing all over again. After it was all said and done, Brayen loved his new 'toothers'. He loved telling people about his 'new teeth'.
Then, just a few weeks ago I noticed a lump on his gum. Come to find out, it was an abscess - he had an infection in the roots of both teeth. The dentist told us he would need to have them pulled.
This is really small potatoes to many things in life - I thank God daily for my healthy, stubborn, lovable little man. But, at the same time I am vain enough to admit I love Brayden's toothy little grin. He looks just like his Mom :) I was worried about how he would look - and now with the wedding coming up, he will be toothless for all of our pictures. More then all of those things, he would have to experience something scary - scary for him, and for his parents. Watching him being taken away by strangers and worrying about him being scared is a terrible feeling.
I took some pictures of him at T-Ball this week, I wanted to capture his last days of this smile.
Yesterday, I saw the dentist round the corner. He said Brayden did great. He gave us the 'to-do's' and 'do-nots' to care for his gap, where his precious little fake teeth use to be. As he was explaining, I saw my little man round the corner - 4 stickers on his shirt, a little prize in each hand, and a bloody gauze between is lips. I removed the gauze and looked... it was scary at first, but he was still that adorable little man - he just looked older. And he added a cute little whistle to his words when he speaks.
Throughout the day yesterday, We made our rounds to show off his new look. Every time I looked at him, I smiled ear to ear, "I love your new smile, Brayden - you look so cute!" I truly do. I realized I had the same feeling when they were going to cap his first teeth - sad and scared about the process and what he would look like. But, he is always my adorable little man. One day, his big boy teeth will decide to come in. I have no doubt I will love that awkward little smile just as much as I have loved the different versions it has already gone through. He is more then his teeth - He is Brayden, my beautiful little boy.
I do love that adorable little toothless smile ; )