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all great changes

I feel as though I am receiving signs, direction on what to do.  They could all be coincidental, but it feels like the same message is being pounded into my head.  The message all comes down to one grand purpose; Release and go be great.  

The past couple of Sundays at church have been really wonderful.  I haven't had the opportunity to write about them because I have been so busy editing and posting photo sessions - Yippie!  Last week was about the loving relationship we have with God.  He related it to being in love.  At first, I thought that was weird.  But, he continued talking and it really made more sense the longer I listened.  He alikened the message to how someone feels when you first fall in love.  That feeling makes life lighter, brighter, happier.  The relationship I have with God should make my everyday better (cue light bulb).  I think of those who are much more 'Godly' than I ...  and, they are living proof.  They are happier.  Is it because they put their trust in the Lord?  Is it because they feel their weight is shared?  Or is it because they never feel that they have to go one day or one moment without knowing they are loved?  I don't know.  But, I am working on finding out.  

A few other bloggers / writers I follow both had similar topics one day.  SDL had a great article titled "The Life You Exchange" - great title!  He started with a quote from Henry David Thoreau, “the price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”  Just that quote alone was all I needed to read for it to hit home.  I am getting a lot better at this - I actually think it should be my new motto.  I am trying to only participate in actions that make me better, and happier.  That seems to be common sense, but how often do you compromise yourself for someone else or for a task you dislike?  Little by little it breaks down the person you actually are.   I am no expert...  FAR FROM IT.  I see Life as full of interactions with people in  the form of relationships, be it family, friends, spouses, children, coworkers, strangers, ect.  These interactions all work better with constructive communication.  Share your feelings.  Share your desires and your dislikes.   It serves everybody best if we are honest and true to ourselves. In the long run, everybody wins that way.  

Then there is Marc and Angel - I love them.  I love their inspiration.  Every article of theirs I benefit from reading.  The one I read just the other day, 10 things You Must Give Up to be Successful was a great short list of ideas that make you think.  They are habits that sadly, I catch myself doing, or have done for far, far too long.  I am starting.  I recognize areas in my life where I need to be better.  I think that is important.  Maybe that is just part of adulthood.  I am learning about being healthy - physically, spiritually, mentally, financially.  Young and reckless was so much more fun! - until it comes back to bite me right in the keaster! 

Somehow I stumbled on Becoming Minimalist.  Start Big. Start Small. Start Somewhere. Change is uncomfortable.  I get to deal with that everyday in my 9-5 job.  Helping a company grow and change to achieve a desired result.  It's personal - always.  Be it at the office or at home - it is personal.  I pride myself on 'doing'.  I have always been this way.  I do.  I act.  I have gotten bit or hit - It doesn't matter how I say it.  What it comes down to is I have screwed up.  But, I get back up and do it again, hopefully differently, the next time around.  I am working on applying that to many aspects of my life.  I start too many things and then I don't follow through - like exercising and eating right.  I have never mastered the discipline to do that.  Reading - I love to do it but it always falls down the list of improtance.  My downfall isn't in the starting but, in the finishing.  

I have once again been thrusted into a new series of changes - some of them are great and have turned out as a true blessing - and the others, well - I don't see them as blessings yet, but I am sure it will all work out, in some way or fashion.  Challenges and changes are really just opportunities for growth, no matter how uncomfortable the initial interaction is - I am trying to meet them with an optimistic smile (that is preceded potentially by swearing and crying).  

...Here's to great changes, and welcoming opportunities ;)

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Living for Today

"Life is not a race - but indeed a journey. Be Honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say "thank you", "I love you", and "great job" to someone each day. Go to church, take time for prayer. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Love your life and what you've been given, it is not accidental - search for your purpose and do it as best you can. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to be. Laugh often. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Do not worry, less wrinkles are more becoming. Forgive, it frees the soul. Take time for yourself - plan for longevity. Recognize the special people you've been blessed to know. Live for today, enjoy the moment." ~Bonnie L. Mohr

A FB friend posted this as her status.  I really needed the reminder today.  This morning started as one of those... you know the type; As soon as your eyes see daylight (or before) that today would challenge you.  Nothing extraordinary - but the little things pick away just enough to make you glum.  Brayden woke up especially cranky and devastated by my "No" response to his request for a cookie.  We do this every morning...  and every morning I tell him the same thing  "we don't have cookies for breakfast."  The question makes me smile, but his tantrum does not.  I ignored the screaming while I was in the shower, and he eventually stopped.  He wanted cereal for breakfast but cried when I poured milk over it.  He didn't want to change is shirt or have his face wiped or his hair combed.  Nothing about this morning was going right for either of us.  But, I read the quote right after I dropped B off - It was there waiting for me this morning to read, not by accident I am sure. 

It's interesting the sentences that stand out.  Each person that reads it will take away something that another person did not.  The weight of the importance is varied on where you are, not physically but emotionally and mentally.  For me, the heavy parts are:

"Be Honest. Work hard. Be choosy."

I am working my butt off, but I am staying true to me - even more so, in working so hard I am learning more about myself than I ever knew.  And I am learning to be choosy - in many aspects. 

"Go to church, take time for prayer."

I love that I am reconnecting with God, and church - So does my Mom!  I am learning a lot too.  Every Sunday I walk out the doors intrigued and more appreciative of the growth I am experiencing. I am teaching Brayden how to pray - we are starting simple.  "God loves you."

'Love your life and what you've been given, it is not accidental - search for your purpose and do it as best you can. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to be.'

It is Not Accidental :) Everything that has happened has lead me here - and here is exactly where I am supposed to be. 

"Do not worry, less wrinkles are more becoming."

I am a HUGE ball of worry...  non stop and about eveything...  I think I am aging myself quickly.  I need to work on how to let it go.  I smile when I hear the song from the Zac Brown Band "be a fool, not a worry..." I make a mental note each time.

"Forgive, it frees the soul."

Forgive.  That is really hard.  I have let people and their actions bother me for far too long.  I am working on letting it go - and letting them go too.  I pray for them and for the strength to move on.  I know I will feel better when I do.  I actually say it out loud.  I look in the mirror and take a deep breath, releasing the anger.  They are missing out by not being in my life.  I pray that they go where God has intended them too - and that they will see clarity someday.  And if not, it isn't my weight to carry. 




Everyday we have the opportunity to make a conscious decision; to make today the best day.  Make today (and everyday) yours!






Birthday of Love {mama and her boys}



I shop online a lot...  too much (my family thinks I have a problem).  I purchased a few items from a gentleman that lived near by.  I mentioned that I was going to paint this fabric chair I bought from him :) (Can't wait to try it....  I will let you know how it goes)!  And then, I would use it for my photography sessions.  So, a few weeks later he contacted me about doing something for his Wife's birthday.  They have a new baby and a little guy and he thought it would be special to have a photo session of just Mom and her boys.  

They turned out so lovely...  It melts my heart.  There is a special bond between a Mama and her boys; it is near and dear to my heart for sure! 





I heart Photography {Strait Family Session}

Have I said lately that I love this photography business?  I do! 

And, it's because of the clients.  I get to meet beautiful, wonderful people, like the Strait family.  They have 2 children, and they are as adorable as they are sweet! Lilly, who is turning 3 this weekend was an angel.  She sat and smiled and was the most cooperative 3 year old I have ever photographed - And her pictures are beautiful.  And Walter, he had me cracking up with all of his silly poses - I could have hung out with them all day!  

Without further ado, The Strait Family!



Strait Family

Vintage Vibe




The Road Ahead

"I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.  I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.  Its gone be a bright sun-shiny day".  

I was celebrating myself last night.  No one knew - but if you would have seen me cooking dinner and dancing around the kitchen, it would have been a good indication that things were going right!  Not because I was dancing (that's normal), but because I was cooking...  The kitchen hates me.  I was happy because I have sold several pieces of my painted furniture! - and, one person even ordered some additional pieces to be done.  Oh me, oh my!  AND (yes, it gets better) I have on average 1 photo session a weekend.  That is HUGE!  People are finding me, through referrals and FB.  It feels SO GOOD!  And the best part, the clients are loving their pictures - which is the most important.  

I am beaming!  :)

The month of May has been good to me!  It has been a long 10 months - I have been working none stop.  Investing money and time in myself.  That is hard to do - Biting the bullet. Taking a leap of faith.  Putting all of my eggs in one basket.  I have spent endless hours researching, learning, shopping (that's the fun part) editing, organizing, painting...  and not sleeping :)

That also means that my clients have taken a leap of faith on me as well.  :) This summer is off to a great start - I hope that is a good indication of where this road is headed.   It's funny, driving down the road in a car packed full of upcoming projects and props for my photo session, and I look in the rear view mirror and I see 2 very important images that keep me moving forward; Brayden singing along with me to our favorite songs and the road behind in the far distance.  All I do is smile - loving the road I'm on! 

I am super excited for this weekend - 2 very cool sessions...  One involving an adorable family and an awesome Victorian Couch and a Mommy / Daughter Session - With Horses!!!  Stay tuned next week! Also, Check out the newly updated Home page and Gallery!  Lots of new faces!!  Don't forget to book your Father's Day Special Session



Little Bug Man Birthday

I am never able to look at bugs the same way.  My Mom and nephew Benson love them...  seriously, they LOVE bugs.  Mom loves spiders and Benson loves scorpions.  Actually, Benson loves all cool looking creatures.  But, bugs are his favorite.  He may be on a path to be an Entomologist.  He knows the names of them all, before too long he will be spouting out scientific names to us.  He LOVES Bug Wars - or Monster Bug Wars....  the show where they teach who is the coolest bug is and why.  If his Mom and Dad would let him, he would keep every cool creatures he finds.  He always has a new one to educate us about - I love the information he gives and he does it with such enthusiasm - real true excitement.  I love that about him. 

Benson is also very mild natured. Calm, polite, and very sensitive to others feelings.  And, would ya look at those eyes! 

Happy 6th Birthday Benson!!

We love you! :)



Beauty @ 4 months


You must meet little Miss  Harper.  

She is absolutely precious, both by her beauty and her good nature.  She was very  cooperative and took lovely photos.  

Keep scrolling to see more pictures of her!  She will also join the other adorable little ones in the Tiny Smiles section of the Gallery.  






Melodies and Memories {Big Brother Birthday}

Today is my big brothers birthday.

This is hard to write.  I have been thinking about it and planning it for a few months now.  I am not quite sure how to condense all that I want to say; How to put into words the respect and pride that I have for my older brother.  Nathan is my hero - I know that sounds lame.  But, for everyone that knows him - they would understand why.  He is a great role model.  He is a wonderful grandson, son, brother, husband, and father.  But, Nathan has more titles than just those.  He is a Farmer, Road Commissioner, Small Business Owner, Truck driver, Excavator, Lions Club Member, Auctioneer, Raises Animals - pigs, cows, and chickens, Gardener, Writer (he is famous in our family for his entertaining Annual Christmas letter) - Just to name a few.  The list could go on and on.  He should have been named Jack, for Jack of all trades!

He is all of these wonderful things - and he does them with his whole heart.  He is kind and sincere.  He always remains positive no matter what the load is or how heavy it gets. 


Nathan has always been all of these great things - but, when he was younger he also had a little wild side to him as well.  A wild side that I admired when I was a teenager.  I was his side kick.  I got to hang out with him and all of his friends.  We got a little rowdy on an occasion or two, times in my life that really go down in history for me as some of the best memories I have ever lived.  Even on the nights when I wasn't in tow for Nathan's adventures, he woke me up when he got home to fill me in on his latest mischief.    Those were the days.  Wild and free - and completely stupid.  We made it out, and have some great stories to tell.  In those days it was all about nice cars and great tunes.  When I hear the songs of my teenage days, I am taken back to driving around with my big brother and his friends (Chet, Andy, Gator, Keith, Steve ).

First, there was the family mini van.  My parents were generous enough to let us drive a hand-me-down vehicle.  It was an 85 Dodge Mini Van, white with wood panels.  Boy oh boy, are there A LOT of stories that van could tell!!  It was passed down to the oldest 3, so I was lucky enough to drive it as well (yah me).  Then there was the 1987 Z28 Camero.  I loved that car.  Nathan loved that car! Then came the 1987 Formula Firebird - I found it for sale.  I chased a guy down to get the selling price so I could pass it onto Nathan.  In that car was Tom Petty and Free Falling, David Lee Murphy and Dust on the Bottle, and anything Eddie Rabbit and Steve Earl - on repeat.  Then he bought a 1990 Dodge Ram.  He LOVED that truck.  With the Dodge came George Strait, Travis Tritt, Joe Diffie - and many others.  To many to list. Here is are a few that make me think of Nate, and I smile every time:

 Those times have long passed.  Nathan has grown up.  He has traded in the fast cars for a mini van.  And, he couldn't be happier.  He has 4 wonderful kids.  He only stays up late if there is a sow farrowing pigs.  But, a few things remain the same: love, determination, hard work and a great smile.  And of course, good music - on repeat. 




A Father carries pictures... {Father's Day Special}

"A Father carries pictures where his money use be" ~ Unknown

Father's Day Mini Sessions

Book Your Father's Day mini session today!!

~10 sessions available~
Plan a family picture, or Surprise Dad or Grandpa with a new picture for his wall and wallet! 

June 1st, 2nd, & 3rd 
Nature Scenery
Your image print choice of:
(1) 10X13 + (4) wallets
(1) 8X10 + (1) 5X7 + (4) wallets

Only $55

Contact me Today! 

(click on the link above to email me or call at 815.739.8522)




Toads and Toddlers


This is Macey Moo.  

She is my beautiful niece.  

She LOVED her toads that were found in the flower bed at Grandma's house on Mother's Day.  This also happened to be two days before she turned 4.  These were the last days she would still be considered a 'toddler'.  As of yesterday, she is 4.  Next year at this time we will be talking to her about Kindergarten.  

Where does time go?  It seems like yesterday she was still in her Mama's belly.  But, here she is - not yet school age, but no longer a toddler.  I miss that - her toddler days.  I know they aren't gone but slowly everyday she will get a little older.  And, all that will be left will be memories of our 'use to be toddler'.

There are a few characteristics that really stand out about Macey.  First is the obvious, she is adorable.  Second, her completely stubborn nature.  Our family jokes and teasers her - we egg her on to see her "as a matter of fact" attitude.  Her Aunt Zie nicknamed her the "Brut".  And, it fits.  :) She is so head strong.  She does everything on her terms. 

But, her stubbornness is completely out weighed by her love and innocence.  She has a smile that lights up a room.  And a hug that warms your heart.

Happy 4th Birthday Little Macey Moo! We love you! 



Everything I Am

"Everything I am or ever hope to be I owe to my Mother" ~ Abraham Lincoln

I try to stay off my computer on the weekends because 1) I am typically busy taking pictures or hunting, gathering, or painting furniture  2) If I am not doing the items listed in #1 - I am spending it with B.  So, I did not post this yesterday - I know my Mom doesn't mind.   

This weekend was exceptional for multiple reasons.  It was Mother's Day on Sunday.  It could not have been a more beautiful day!  I had all of my family around hanging out at the farm.  It was really peaceful.  Perfect.  

Now, Friday was spent in a much different way.  For those that know my Mom, they know that she loves music.  Actually, that is an understatement.  She loves music more than reality TV.  She loves music more than any Soap Opera.  Come to think about it, there are probably only 2 items on her lists of favorites that come before music and that is 1) Her kids and Husband 2) Her kids (students) and Colleagues at School.  Mom has passed this love onto us.  I have so many fond memories growing up - and with those memories there are some really great tunes that accompany them.   We spent our Friday night watching Eric Church.  If you aren't familiar, you should be.  He is a fantastic artist - and by artist I mean writer.  Anyone that strings words together like he does and then puts music to it....  AND has the ability to sing...  WOW, what an amazing talent.  And to boot, he is easy on the eyes! This is the 3rd time we have seen him, but this time it was his tour.  So, we listened to him sing for almost 2 hours.  It was beautiful.  And, I got to share it with a few of my favorites - Mom, Kenzie, and Nick (the youngest of the 6).  

It is interesting to see the many dynamics of my mom.  She loves Bugs.  Bugs maybe #4 on her list of favorites, right under her love for music.  She loves gardening and planting flowers.  She loves to read, but doesn't have nearly as much time to do it as she would like.  She spends hours upon hours on anything related to her students.  She has grown a love for pinterest (which is often used for searching for education related topics).  She lives and breathes her family.  There is rarely a day when she isn't watching grandkids or visiting with her kids.  Often, she is the ear that we turn to in any given situation.  The good.  The bad.  She is always there - and she carries the load with us.  She supports us - even if she disagrees.  She gives and gives.... and then gives some more.  Then you take a look at her kids.  She praises us - always telling us how great we are.  Does she realize we are just like her?  


Mom ~ I know I didn't get you a card.  I had really great intentions to do so.  I went to the store for a specific card.  But, it was sold out.  Next year, I will plan ahead.  Here is the card I was going to buy: Who Knew?  And inside it I would have written, "Mom, thank you for all of the gifts you have given us and all of the sacrifices you have made.  We are blessed to have such a wonderful Mom and Grandma that shares her love for life, music, bugs,  reality TV - and so much more.  Thank you for being You!  We love you! xo - Megan and Brayden.  (Sorry it's a day late.)"


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Hand Prints and Oreos


I got an early Mother's Day gift when I dropped Brayden off at school today: 

Yup. I cried.  - I didn't even read it there, I didn't want everyone to see my tears.  The hand prints was all it took.  I closed up the card.   I waited until I got to work to read it.  I cried silently in my cubical as I touched is little hand prints and read the words "... But everyday I'm growing and soon I'll be so tall that all those hand prints will be hard to recall.  So here's my special handprint, made in my own way, just so you can remember how it looked on Mother's Day.  I love you Mommy!"  

I know Brayden doesn't really understand the gift - or how so very special it is.  Someday he will when I am pulling it out 30 years from now and showing it to his little ones "...and here is your Daddy's hand prints.  Yes, he did use to be that tiny!" 

Brayden did the cutest thing on Monday - and I am reminded every morning when I look on my kitchen counter.  I have a half eaten Oreo sitting there.  I can't bring myself to throw it away.  On Monday, B and his Dad hung out so he could have a transition day after vacation in VA.  But, he also had to go to the doctor because he is sick, again...  So, they pick me up from work.  I jump in the truck and immediately turn to greet my little man in the back seat.  He holds his hand out and says "here Mommy!"  He was beaming ear to ear, lips covered in Oreo cookie.  Mike explained, "He wanted to bring a cookie for you, but he couldn't take it - He had to eat the center out."  So, in my hand I held each end of the oreo cookie, with no center.  And B, he was SO excited to give me that cookie.  And he said, "Eat it!"  I smiled and pretended to eat the cookie.  I am not stranger to finishing his half eaten food - but this one, I couldn't do it.   It was the only evidence of this moment, the gift from my little man.  This memory of the entire moment that I don't want to let go of.  So, I guess until it turns green - I get to relive that memory every morning when I go in to make my coffee.  

Brayden - I know this is Mother's Day weekend, and the intention is to celebrate all of the Mommies. But, I wouldn't be the person I am or a Mommy without you!  Thank you for being the happiest, warmest, sweetest, sincerest part of my everyday.  

You are my heart. 




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Cast the first stone

Promise yourself to be strong that
nothing can disturb your peace of
mind. Look at the sunny side of 
everything & make your optimism
come true. Think only the best & expect 
only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past
& press on to the greater achievements of the
future.Give so much time to the improvement
of yourself that you have no time to criticize
others. Live in the faith that the whole world is
on your side as long as you are true to the best
that is in you.  
Christain D Larson

It's interesting, the moments you play over and over again in your head.  The big ones, that changed your life forever.  And, the little ones, that changed your life forever.  Some are momentous, like the birth of a child, getting married, buying a house, ect.  And others, you would rather forget.  I talk / blog a lot about my own personal growth - basically, because I feel like I have, and will continue to forever, grow.  From where I stand, I think that is a pretty good place. 

Looking back as a teenager, I did some pretty dumb stuff - I would put bets that the majority of the population, as teenagers, would admit to not always making the best decisions.  Some make it out by the sweat of their brow - I never really was a bad kid, but I did like to break a few rules.  As I believe, most teenagers do to some point.  I have told my mom a few of the stories.  She half laughs, but she really shakes her head at the bad decisions we made growing up in her house.  I told her I use to sneak out.  I only did it a hand full of times, but I always left a note...  just encase she realized I was missing, that she wouldn't panic. It looked something like this: "Dear Mom, I came home, but left because of xyz.  I will be back.  Sorry.  Love, Megan."

In collage, I was a really good.  Even more so when I moved away to a University.  I didn't go out.  Those large crowds make me nervous.  I stayed home, a lot.  That is good and bad - I missed out on some fun, but also a lot of hang overs too.  

After collage, up until the point of finding out I was pregnant, I was in a hurry.  Always looking for the next best thing.  More schooling for a different career.  A better job.  One boyfriend to the next, wondering if he was Mister Right.  Trying to make them into Mr. Right.  Friends and family would joke as each one of my siblings got married.  The punch line always being, I wasn't married.  Odds are my younger two siblings (much younger) will be married before me.  Truth be told, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.  Don't get me wrong, I would love to have that life but I will patiently wait for it to be right, not rush it and pretend.  Brayden shifted my life.  Slowed it down by showing me how quickly it passes.  When you have children, you get it.  I had someone say that to me last weekend.  He said, "I didn't understand before.  But now, I have her (his 4 month old daughter) and all I want to do is rush home from work and play with her before she goes to bed.  I get it now."

It is frustrating in life, when you are judged for decisions / actions of your past.  After all, no one has walked on your road, or in your shoes.  People are quick to judge, but not very good at learning.  I am not perfect.  I bet, you aren't either.  And, I still judge - but I am catching myself as I do it.  I tell myself, almost outloud, I don't know thier story.  I am working on leaving the judging to God, rightfully where it belongs. I am not without sin or poor judgement.  Most people have made a least one mistake.  One moment in life they wished they would have handled differently.  But, where are you now? Are you better than you were yesterday, a year ago, or ten years ago? Growth and learning, is the benefit to making mistakes.  Grow.  Learn.  Then move on. Smile and close the door. 

Walk along someone.  Talk with them.   Learn about them.  But, don't judge them.  Love them.  We all have a hard road.  

Not trying to get preachy, but here are a few verses.  Just something to think about.  

"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." John  8:7

"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." Peter 4:8  

"Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony" Colossians 3:12



put an extra five in the plate at church {Sunday Lessons}

I have a little story to tell.  I feel that there is something to it but I can't put my finger on it - or find the word to describe it - but, you will hopefully see what I mean as you read on.

So, big plans for garage sales last Saturday with my Mom.  We hit a community sale and found some real treasures! After piling all of our goodies into the car - it was packed full, We went on our way back home.  There was nothing out of the ordinary.  Unpacked the car, drove to my apartment - then realized I forgot my purse, with my apartment keys.  So, a few curse words later - I drive all the way back to my parents, got my purse, and hung out for a bit.  Then I had to go home and get ready for some photo sessions...  btw: they turned out amazing.  See them here and here

I wanted to stop and get a soda.  I reach for my money (I had roughly $100 cash that I didn't spend at the sales).  It was no where.  I call my mom.  She searched.  And still, no money.  I did my photo sessions and tried to forget about it.  But, that $100 bucks is hard to come by - so, I was literally sick over it.  But, I let it go.  Actually, I didn't.  It was haunting me.  Did I leave it some where?  If so, where???  If it fell out of my pocket, you would think some good citizen would have done something, anything to find the owner.  I mean really, I was shopping at garage sales...  I think that implies I am not a millionaire :)

Like a good girl, I got up bright and early on Sunday so I could go to church.  (This is a new journey I am on.  I posted about it here and here).  As I am sucking down every drop of my coffee before I go in, I am wondering what to do about the offer plate.  I had a few $20's because I got paid for one of my sessions the day before.  But, being I just lost $100 - I by no means could afford to put a $20 in there.  So, I thought, well maybe I will skip this week...  No, I can't do that.  Ugh, I will write a check.  So, I get out the ol' check book and go into the center compartment to get a pen... And wouldn'tchyaknow - there is my money :) Appropriate, finding it while sitting in the church parking lot.  I smiled, and I thanked God for the lesson, AND my money.  

I put an extra $5 in the offer plate - after all, I had it to give.  

Now, I did learn several valuable lessons during Mass - about donating talents and money.  They also talked about us being the branches of the vine - God is the vine.  And, there were some other really good points....  but, I forgot them.  I may have to take in my note book.  Or, ask the Priest if I can take the missalette home and use it for my notes?  Do they do that?  Anyway, I will get it figured out. 

Well, here is a video  -  food for thought.  :)  I am not a HUGE fan of his but, this is a keeper.  Great message.  Happy hump day! 


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Scroll and Enjoy... {holy cuteness coming your way}

I was going to wait and post these tomorrow....  but, in typical Megan fashion, I am too excited not to share :)  I had a perfect weekend of pictures - We had to delay a bit to wait for the dark clouds to pass but, I am so glad we did.  I got two fantastic sessions in...  and, they turned out just lovely.  Check out Courtney's Senior Smiles Session and below ... I can hardly find words to describe the UNBELIEVABLE cuteness you are about to experience...  There are no words.  With every image - I shook my head and smiled.  THOSE EYES!!  Seriously?  - every image.  

The funny part - The little adorable sweetie has been known to be difficult to get her picture taken...  You would never know - she did just beautifully! 

And the little fella - Well, I could have edited for days - every image was adorable.  You will see what I mean...  scroll and ENJOY! ;)

Check out more in Minis and Birthdays




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My Compass

Brayden got home last night!  :)  The excitement and anticipation of knowing he was only miles away was exhausting.  I kept calling and asking, "Where are you now?"  "How much longer?"  "How is he doing?"  "Does he remember me?"  - I am sure Mike wasn't annoyed at all! :) 

But then it was time, I saw the truck pull up...   I went running down the stairs and out the door like a track star!  I scooped him up and kissed him a 1000 times! He looked at me in the eyes with a half delirious smile, and then gave me a big hug.  It was great.  

We did all of the normal stuff - dinner, play with bugs and talk about dinosaurs, take a bath and get ready for bed.  But, last night I did everything with excitement.  I wasn't too busy for any of it.  It makes me sad for the days when I have been.  He seemed bigger, and talked differently - like he was older.  It is that daily progress of these little ones that you don't see through the daily grind.  It made me sad but also thankful for this opportunity for clarity and appreciation.  

As we were playing, Grammy had given him this candy dispenser / flashlight / compass (where do people think up these toys?) - Of course, he loved it!  I was pointing out the compass on the bottom of this interesting toy.  I said, "This is a compass.  It helps you so you don't get lost.  It shows you what direction you are going.  And, if you get lost, It will help you find your way back."  As the words were coming out of my mouth, I played with his hair and looked as beautiful excited eyes.  I thought to myself, he is my compass.  I live life in a different direction because of him.  And, he keeps me from getting lost. Without him for these 9 days - I was without direction.  And, my body could feel it.  I was lost.  Wandering around busy but never really knowing what to do.  I was just fumbling around, not sure what to do next or which turn to take. The moment I picked him up - my body relaxed for the first time in 9 days.  I was back on course and with direction.  Back to life,... with my compass. 


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A decade ago... {Birthday Tribute}

A decade ago, my niece McKenna Lyn was born.  Now, she did not come into our lives until she was 3.  My brother married her mom.  McKenna and her brother Drew were the first little ones in our family.   My other siblings hadn't had any children yet.  Needless to say, Mckenna was not deprived of attention.  :)  We all  fought to be the 'favorite aunt'.

As a little girl, McKenna was interesting.  How many 3 / 4 year olds do you know that love to vacuum and fold laundry?  Her room was always immaculate, and still is.  Now, her bedroom has shifted some from the little girl pastel toddler room to hot pink and zebra print and posters of Justin Bieber, but still very tidy. She always astonished us by her memory.  It is like an elephant.  No joke.  She remembers where, when, how ...and what you were wearing! 

Within the past decade, all of my siblings have gone on to get married and have children.  There are 8 more nieces / nephews.  Attention is now divided in ten, so McKenna doesn't get the same attention she did when she was a little girl.   She has shifted from being the baby to being the big girl, who is a big help.  She helps Grandma organize book orders for school, helps her Mom wrangle and organize the boys in the house - they are out numbered 2 to 4.  She helps to entertain and calm the chaos that the younger children cause during family gatherings. 

McKenna is: intelligent, beautiful, crafty, trendy, and sensitive.  She is transforming from the adorable little girl to a beautiful young lady - I can't wait to see what the next decade holds for McKenna. 

Happy 10th Birthday McKenna!! :)



'Becoming-a-big-boy' Days

I read a post by Amy Kolz on Wednesday - holy tears.  Check it out: 'I gotchu'.  It left me thinking about me and B, sadly missing my little man.  He is visiting family in Virginia - I wrote about it, My Heart is in Virginia.  

It brought me back to my stroller days, struggling and juggling more than I could carry or manoeuvre but as a Mom, you manage, always.  It's a job requirement.  I thought about B being little enough for me to push in a stroller.  He doesn't want that any more.  He wants to walk (or run) every where we go.  Insisting always on "NeNe do it".  He wants to climb into the carseat and clip the straps together, unaided.  He doesn't want my help.  So, I patiently smile and let his little fingers fumble and eventually get it lined up just right - then he will let me help (just a little) give a light push to make sure it snaps in place.  Then we celebrate his independence, "What a big boy! You did it all by yourself!"  All while my heart aches at the time passing by too quickly.  

Brayden is two and a half now.  He is intentionally and sincerely more affectionate.  He will say he loves you, without you saying it first.  He is always asking me if I am ok, "K Mommy? You K Mommy?"  Always making sure that I am not struggling or hurting, be it carrying in a ton of groceries or if I stub my toe or bump my knee.  He is always there with that perfect little smile and a kiss for my boo boo.  So as much as I miss my little baby and my stroller days,  I love this becoming-a-big-boy time too.  He is always close by for a hug around my knees and a smooch on the lips.  I know that those moments will pass too quickly - I don't even want to think about him being a teenager...  So, I may try to make him stop growing right where he is...  Can I do that??  ;)

This week, I have had more freedom and time then I could ever know what to do with - and I don't like it.  For all of the challenges that come with being a parent, especially a single parent, there are 1000 times more rewards.  I wouldn't trade seeing that smile everyday for all of the free time in the world. Never. Ever.

Only a few more days before he is back at my side, and I can't wait.  But, he is having so much fun.  See the pictures below that his Dad sent me (he is really good about that - I still get to see all of the fun he is having). 
