
2012 Senior Prom

My brother had his Senior Prom on Saturday (tear)!  He looked so handsome and Courtney there are no words...  well, maybe breath taking...  yeah, that works. She was breath taking! 

Actually, these two have become popular on Life, Love & Lemons!  Check out all posts related to them here,  here,  here,  here and  here! :)  

 AND their Senior Portraits in the Gallery!

Scroll down to see their prom pictures!  My favorites of them are when they are giving each other 'looks'...  It is fun to freeze them in the pictures -  so natural, so them! 







What I love about Sundays {Church again}!

I love this song (I am a big country fan), "What I Love about Sundays".  Craig Morgan has some great ones.  They feel like real life.  

Another successful Sunday - I went to church :)  Although I still struggle with staying in my comfy bed, I got up and went with only moderate hesitation.  I wouldn't mind nearly as much if we were allowed to take coffee in with us.  That would be so nice.  I may put that in the suggestion box!   

Sundays reading were about shepherding sheep.  I found them interesting.  I was also able to apply it to my life.  I did not realize this, but the Priest pointed out that, the readings are written for the human mind - because Jesus knows how our minds work.  I nodded.  That wasn't anything I had ever put together before.  He spoke of Jesus being the Shepard and caring for his flock but he also spoke of us being shepherds.  We need to lead, guide, teach and care for our flock - the people directly and indirectly in our lives.  

He also talked about church being a weekly mini retreat - which was cool because because that is exactly what I was thinking when I posted last weeks entry, The Journey to God.  He said that it is a time to reflect about the week past and to remind us to look at the big picture.  He spoke of making a list and dividing our list into columns that could show us where we spend our time, in our actions and in our intentions. We may intend to do things for others but somehow loose time.  I thought about my list.  I actually wrote it down.  IT went something like this: Brayden, shower, Brayden, Brayden, school, work, bills, Brayden, laundry, paint furniture, take pictures, Family, Mike, edits pictures, shopping (of course there is always time for that), ... you get the idea.  Very little of that has anything to do with giving back, donating time, church, ect.  Hmmm.  I have in my mind that after I retire I will do mission work.  And to be honest, I don't have time for mission work now... I would LOVE to but, I have bills to pay.  But, there are a lot of things I could do that wouldn't deprive me of huge amounts of time.  So, I am going to do some brainstorming.  I would actually like it to be 'photo' related because that is where I am comfortable.  So, I have some things in mind but have to kick it around a little more.  The funny part is, it always comes back to time....  I don't have enough of it.  However, I actually calculated it out with my list of what my week looks like... and, I have 11 spare hours... 11!!!  What??  What am I doing??  I don't even have cable - I don't have TV shows that I watch....  so, what am I doing?  So, I no longer can use that as an excuse.  

So, I may look to you all for some feedback.  Because I feel that photos are so important - I was thinking about providing photos to people in difficult times.  A few thoughts come to mind...  NICU.  Children's Hospitals. Hospice care. Families that can't afford photos.  I am not really sure where to go with it but, would love to hear any suggestions you might have.  So, feel free to comment and let me know what you think! I am all ears! 



My Heart is in Virginia

My little Man is visiting family in Virginia (tear).  I don't even know what to do.  I catch myself wanting to do the things as if he were here - pointing at trains, playing the drums in the car singing to our favorite songs, pointing out airplanes in the sky and cows in pastures...  Constantly checking for the little man in my rear view mirror.  I can't even type this out without crying.  I will say, I enjoyed a full nights rest without interruption and took an extra long shower with loud music.  That was nice.  However, I miss the little booger interrupting my shower asking for a cookie (for breakfast) and dinosaur cartoons.   I love to hear his little feet hit the floor and coming running down the hall to th bathroom in the morning.  I love seeing that sleepy smile.  I love the conversation we have every morning while getting dressed, he says "Mommy go to work.  NeNe go to school (sad face).  See Miss Megan (happy face)?! - that's his teacher, he loves her! I miss the way my heart aches when I drop him off.  And I miss the excitement on his face (and on mine) when he comes running to me when I pick him up.  

I find comfort knowing how much fun he is going to have.  His Grammy is excited beyond words.  He and Grammy have a special bond.  In the Shenandoah Valley, the upcoming week is bigger than Christmas.  It is the Apple Blossom Festival.  It is a week long celebration full of music, food, festivities, and a sea of green and pink.  I am excited that Brayden will have that to look forward to every year.  Virginia will always be a special place to him, he has roots there.  And, as much as my roots are in Illinois - part of my heart will always be among the Blue Ridge Mountains. 

I have some fun stuff happening this weekend!  Garage Sales - YES!  It is that time of year and I can't wait - hoping to find some new treasures.  I am working on a China Cabinet this weekend - fingers crossed and I can get it done by Sunday.   I also have my brothers prom so I get to take some fun and pretty pictures of them AND a 3 month new baby to capture!  I plan out every minute of these upcoming days to keep me busy - otherwise, I sulk in bed watching home movies with a bag of peanut better M&M's and a box of tissues. I am sure next week there will be a 'bad day' post about missing my little man...  But, I will push through - keeping busy and getting a lot done.  I can't wait to share my new projects!



The little engine that can...

I have a wonderful life.  We all do.  I know I have been blessed.  I think of those I love who have really been faced with trials.  The really hard life stuff.  Sick babies, sick children, death of family and friends, loss of jobs and homes.  I have my life intertwined with those who have the tough stuff.  And sometimes, when I think of the challenges I have been faced with I know it doesn't even scrape the surface of what challenges others have gone through.  And those, they are so strong.  They transcend. Forever changed.  

I suppose that's all life is.  Every path is different.  For each person who walks their own, it presents its own challenges.  It isn't fair to compare because theirs is theirs and yours is yours.  Each is difficult in its own right.  It is the outlook you choose along the way.  

 My Mom gave me a big compliment the other day.  She said "You are the engine."  WOW!  I had never thought of myself that way - I love it!  That has been stuck in my head and I just think it was so accurate. Well, even though I am sure she meant it as a compliment - it could be taken two ways.  The good:  You drive.  You push.  You pull.  You are the force the keeps chugging no matter how heavy the load.  You don't stop.  Then, maybe the not so good...  I don't slow.  I enjoy the view, but at a fast pace.  My head spinning as the scene passes me by.  I don't smell the roses.  And, I may run over things that get in my way....  eek...  that sounds really bad.  But, sometimes the truth is brutal.  I have always thought that a sure way to get me to do something is to tell me I can't, because I know I can.  I will find a way.  Life has been good to me.  But, as life will have it, it isn't without its curve balls.  And that is ok, because that is what life is about.  The twists and turns and the unexpected.  Some are blessings because they are gifts and the others are blessing because they are life lessons.  Stumbling, tripping, falling - but always getting back up, stronger and wiser  than before. Max, Me, and B - watching the trains pass :) Through and through, I chug along (maybe mumbling and grumbling along the way) but I will get there.  Some days I win.  Some days life gets the better of me.  But, I am working always on the balance.  

Can I be a slow engine?  One that is always moving but not too fast??  Can I be the focused engine, passionately driven to catch professional goals?  Then when it comes to the every day, Can I be the mom and son waving and clapping from the park at the train rushing by?  Can you have both?  Is there a balance?  Maybe this is a working Mom theme / conflict?  I don't know... Something to work towards, I guess :)  




The Journey to God

Intense title, right?  I went to church on Sunday.  Something that doesn't happen as often as it should.  I have moved (again) so with that comes a new church.  

I was raised Catholic - Church and Sunday school every weekend, religiously (pun intended).  Church and Sunday school wasn't something that I loved - it was just something that you did. My parents do it every weekend - they never miss, even when they are on vacation or trying to make it to my brother's basketball game.  They find the closest church and they go.  To be honest, I don't know that they have ever missed.  

As I got older and busier, church became secondary - It quickly moved down the list in priority.  I am ashamed to say, sleeping-in took precedent.  However, I am finding my way back.  Faith and Religion is a deep topic.  With my growing up my skepticism about 'religion' grew, but my faith never faltered.  I always have God - in the good and the bad - he is always there, and I know that.  With that frame of mind, I also didn't see why it was necessary to go through the traditions that organized religions have.  God is everywhere I go, why do I need to go to church? But, with the never ending shifts that parenthood brings, also does enlightenment about faith, religion, and God.  In general life, I do what my parents did.  They went to church.  We did all of the necessary milestones through the Catholic faith.  And, I see that as important.  I want Brayden to do that.  I want him to have the instilment of faith and God.  

Through my own growth, my viewpoint (and I do mean mine, agree or not - it is my opinion) church is important.  It is faith based school and education.  Church is there to be the reinforcing reminder of living the best life.  I just learned that yesterday.  29 years of church and I had that epiphany yesterday.  I think I knew, but something clicked on Sunday.  The Priest spoke really beautifully.  He spoke of a journey and referred to the reading in the Bible.  The journey to Jesus and the journey Jesus puts us on. That stood out to me.  He said,"...the hardest journey we will ever have to make is the distance between our mind and heart." He said "how often do we say to ourselves, I should drink less.  I should stop smoking.  I should be more patient.  I should stop yelling at my kids so much.  I should donate more money or time.  I should speak softer. I should smile more.  All of the things that our heart says we should do - but our mind leads us in a different direction." Was he speaking just to me?  It felt like it.  Ultimately, the sermon was about the journey to Jesus, and God.  Act on what you know is right.  Live justly.  Act with Love.  Know God.  

This may be a new Monday topic - my journey back to church.  I still believe that God is everywhere I am - and religion, attending church is a matter of preference.  To me, I need to be more disciplined about going to church so I can be reconnected with God.  I need to hear the stories in the bible.  I need to learn from their message and apply it to my life.  I need Brayden to develop that connection with God.  I talk about Him with Brayden.  I have been making the effort because I knew we would be making this journey together and he needs a foundation.  I say "Who loves you?"  As rehearsed he replies, "Mama and Dadda." Then I say, "Who else?" And from there we name all 70 members of both sides of the family.  Then I say "and God loves you."  So, that is part of the 70 names.  I also talk about God's house (church).  He will go soon.  I need to get reacquainted first.  Let the journey begin.



Wonderful Everyday Friday {Finding Inspiration}

 I was thinking about a Friday post - I love to start the weekend this way.  However, I wasn't sure what to do for today.  I was feeling like I needed something uplifting - not because I was down - but, because I felt like sharing some spirit.  


On my Facebook newsfeed I saw that Layla from The Lettered Cottage had shared a video ( I love The Lettered Cottage).  This video was called "Transcending", a reading by Kelly Corrigan.  So, I pressed play. And then, I heard some really beautiful words about Life, Love, Friendship, Parenting, Struggles, - Bonds that are shifted but never broken.  I did some more searching about Kelly Corrigan and found several books from her that are now in my Amazon shopping cart.  

In this life, I don't stop to breathe as often as I should -  she captures the everyday business in her reading. The everyday moments that never seem overly glamorous suddenly become very beautiful by the words she strung together.  It feels like daily I hear of loss of life.  Some by those who lived 80+ beautiful years and others that did not, and it was too soon.  There are even more that struggle - be it life circumstances, tragedy, or illness but through the challenges they do it with character, beauty, and grace.  They transcend - rise above, elevate, surpass. 

Here is the video - Share it.  I think it has a beautiful message.  Just right for another Wonderful Everyday Friday.


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"Welcome to Holland"

"When you’re going to have a baby, it’s like planning a fabulous vacation trip to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum, the Sistine Chapel, Gondolas. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It’s all very exciting. After several months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, “Welcome to Holland!” “Holland?” you say. “What do you mean, Holland? I signed up for Italy. I’m supposed to be in Italy. All my life I’ve dreamed of going to Italy.” But there’s been a change in the flight plan. They’ve landed in Holland and there you must stay. The important thing is that they haven’t taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place full of pestilence, famine, and disease. It’s just a different place. So, you must go out and buy new guidebooks. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met. It’s just a different place. It’s slower paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you’ve been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around. You begin to notice that Holland has windmills. Holland has tulips. And Holland even has Rembrandts. But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy, and they’re all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life you will say, “Yes, that’s where I was supposed to go. That’s what I had planned.” And the pain of that experience will never, ever, ever, go away. The loss of that dream is a very significant loss. But if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn’t get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things about Holland."

I heard this short story last weekend.  It is written by Emily Pearl Kingsley in 1987. She wrote it about her son who was born with Down Syndrome.   She was a writer for Sesame Street - and her influence is why they included children with special needs - she was far wiser then the times.  She was an advocate for her son and for other children with special needs.  

I have been blessed to learn a lot from my friends with special needs.  It gave me a glimpse (and I do mean a glimpse) of the pride and struggles that come along with these beautiful children.  I spent time in college with a group of children that fell on the Autism Spectrum.  From that moment on, those children sparked my curiousity - they are very unique learners.  They see, hear, and feel the world differently then us 'typical' learners.  After collage I was an aide for a special needs classroom - I was constantly moved by the sincerity that I received from those children.  The experiences that I learned from them I carry with my every day.  I am sensitive to the struggles they encounter in learning and with peer relationships. Kids can be mean, but there angels among them too.  And they treat everyone with kindness, special needs or not.  I pray that Brayden is one of those.  Then I was blessed with my nephew Drew.  He acts with intention, in the love he gives and the sneaky things he does - Just like everyone else.  You can't help but smile.  When he is happy and excited the room lights up - and he does that when someone enters a room.  He lets you know that he is SO excited to see you.  He makes you feel special.  He doesn't say much but he wears his heart on his sleeve, and it is a beautiful heart!  Then, a few months ago I met Tucker and his sisters which brought me to the reading of this story at his memorial service (I wrote about Tucker here).  Within the first few sentences of "Welcome to Holland", I was hit - it felt like by a truck.  I could never possibly understand the feelings of the parents of children with special needs.  I still don't.  As a "typical" parent it gave an interesting insight. That story moved me to tears and I thought about my experiences with my son and how often I rejoice.  Parents of children with special needs, I assume, rejoice deeper.  Through the struggles, it makes the happy times shine very brightly. When I had Brayden my world changed forever, for the better.  As too are the lives of these special parents.  The world is changed forever, differently but just as beautiful.  Actually, I think there is so much that we could learn from those families.  They have many challenges and obstacles but they thrive - really live.  They cherish life not in spite of what turns they have taken but because of them.  

It is appropriate that this is Autism Awareness month.  Donate, Give, Walk, Learn, Advocate.  Teach your children about differences - everyone is different and that is why the world is so beautiful.  Show them that true character is not only standing up for what is right but for standing with those who make the world beautiful.  

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In all of her Grace and Glory {3 months}

Where does the time go?  Just shy of 2 months ago - I photographed this little darling:  

NOW she is laughing and making noises and is just as happy as she could be.  You have to see all of her beautiful smiles in the Gallery.  Her Nana was there to to encourage laughing and playing (so Mom and Dad could get some rest)! We had a great time and got some beautiful smiles to show off her 3 month self!  

 Check out all of her pictures in Tiny Smiles



What to do with ball shaped fruit...


This little Man, isn't he adorable?... and he looks totally innocent most of the time :)

(note the basket of fruit on the table)

Well, this morning while attempting to get ready for work...  I found random fruit laying all over.  See evidence:



I guess he got bored during his breakfast and pondered, "What should I do with this fruit that resembles a ball?"...  

So, imagine my amusement when I found it laying all over the floor!  When confronted, "NeNe, did you throw this fruit?" He looked at me with those big brown eyes and replied, "uh ha". He's great about honesty!  He always tells the truth when you ask what happened...  unless it involves:

  • pooping - "Ne Ne, Did you poop?" - His response "Nope!" or
  • dinosaurs biting his finger - Find Brayden Crying, "what happened?" His response, "Dinakaur bite" while holding out his fineger like he was ET.  This happens like 10X a day!

 I found a random kiwi on the floor when I went home for lunch.  It made me smile and laugh out loud! Goodness, I love that boy!!... and ball shaped fruit! 



Single Mom Smiling



 Being single.  




I am often asked "Are you married" or "Who is your husband" or "What does your husband do for a living?"

Me: "No - not married."

Other person: "Oh, well do you have a boyfriend?"  

Me: "Nope, just me and B" (with a smile and a quick change of the awkward subject).  People often have an apologetic look like they need to say something encouraging, "oh sorry - he will come along."

Being single comes with somewhat of a stereotype, especially if you are "older."  I am only 29 - so, by no means do I feel like I fall in the 'older' category, but I think some would definitely place me there.  This single-ness comes up often.  Either by others or just in my wondering mind.  So, the other night I was deep in thought while washing a pile of dishes...  (a big pile because I hate doing them)... And I was thinking about being single.  I was thinking about meeting someone, or the lack of meeting someone.  How do I even do that?  I sometimes think of what 'he' - 'Mr. Just Right For Me' would be like, look like, ect.  The problem is I read to much.  I have grown to love bloggers - and with that comes a lot of information about complete strangers lives.  Some that inspire me and others I admire (aka totally jealous of their perfect lives). Bloggers and DIYers seem to be a lot of stay at home wives / Moms.  Great for them - but, not realistic for me.  And a lot of them seem to have these cute perfect little lives and it makes me feel inadequate as a parent and at my blogging and start up business attempt.  Truth is, there just aren't enough hours in the day to dedicate the time to the things I would like to (parenting, blogging, photography, ect) ... well, there is - but, I NEED sleep - at least 5 hours uninterrupted, and uninterrupted never happens.  Then there are those I completely relate too.  I read a few articles by SDL, Single Dad Laughing.  And, I like it.  At first I was skeptical because of the name.  I thought it would be about a bitter single Dad venting, but, it wasn't.  Actually, it was just the opposite.  He is real life.  The pretty.  The ugly.  Very truthful and real.  He wrote a couple of posts about being lonely.  His lonely post, Watching an Empty Pillow, and the follow up, Can Happy People Be Lonely Too?, were very familiar.  It brought my real feelings closer to the surface.  I was actively thinking about how I felt.  

I get lonely.  I have wonderful company in my life.  My family.  My friends. My coworkers.  Brayden, of course, is the joy of my everyday.  Even Brayden's Dad - we are friends (well, we are a work in progress).  But, even with all of that joy it still feels like something is missing.  However, I don't want that to be misinterpreted.  I am happy.  Really happy.  I have found a progressive contentment.  I am still working on balancing but, that is life.  I have discovered me.  It only took 29 years, but here I am.  I am still learning about myself but I have found my foundation.  It was something that I had been missing - until Brayden.  Strength and growth comes at different stages of life.  He helped me.  He helped me organize and prioritize my life.  So on the surface we may resemble chaos - but, it really isn't.  It is pretty simple.  Between the snotty nose, screaming tantrums, begging, pleading, and negotiating with a 2 year old, we actually have a pattern.  It is simple and everyday - and I love it.  Truly. But, some days when the mundane sneaks in, I sometimes wish there was a counterpart to share in the mundane-ness (is that a word?).  In the everyday wonderful that is my life.  I get to do that some with Brayden's Dad.  We cherish that little boy and love him more than ourselves.  I get to share the sweet wonderful quirks, comments, actions, fits that Brayden has with someone who sees him the same way I do - pure perfection.  We created this perfect little person.  So, we will also have a special bond.  But, we didn't work for a reason (well, multiple reasons but this is not the forum for that). Our relationship is now about co-parenting, which comes with its own struggles.  It is a different dynamic that either of us are familiar with, but we are working on figuring it out.

In the process of organizing and prioritizing I have realized two very important truths.  Brayden and I are number 1 and number 2 on the priority list.  With that, I am growing increasingly particular about who joins us in this 'organized chaos' that is our life. Time with Brayden is precious.  I say it everyday and I emphasize it as much as I can.  He is growing up. And for me, it is too quickly - but it is inevitable.  So, time away from him needs to be justified - that someone needs to be pretty damn special.  Also, time not spent on the other things that I love - my family and my 'projects' is a big sacrifice.  So, I might be lonely some days.  But, it is worth it.  I may be a hopeless romantic but, I believe that someone will come along and I wont view my time spent with him as sacrificing my time to get my 'projects' done.  It will be reversed.  And, when someone is special enough to be around Brayden - then I wont have to pick time shared with one or the other - it will be time together.  

So, until 'He' rides up on his white horse... or big green tractor...  or however it goes...   I will be single, but not alone.  Maybe I will rename my blog - SMS, Single Mom Smiling??  ;)




Passionately Curious

"I have no real talents.  I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

I borrow great words from great people - I sometimes have difficulty trying to convey the message that I am attempting to put together.  I am often captivated by the words (or pictures) that people string together to tell their story.  They leave me in awe and intrigue me to want more.  As is such with the quote I used today.  I have found in my growing that I am not very talented, naturally.  I fail, ugh - I mean learn, a lot the hard way - and often! I mess things up more often then I can count.  I have learned to accept this about myself - I learn by doing and that is that.  

My wonderful Aunt Lisa gave me a book over the weekend, Photojojo (very cool book)! She told me that I was talented - which made me smile, but I also didn't really hear her ...  talented?  Me, really?  That was sweet!  I actually just do it because I really, really love it!  Thinking back to my Aunt Lisa, She inspired me - she doesn't know that, but she always had a nice camera and would take great pictures for important moments - family stuff, sporting events, graduations, ect.  I remember thinking how perfect her pictures looked when she would print them out and give them to us.  I remember thinking, 'I am going to do that, someday.'  She has been very supportive and encouraging through this adventure of mine.

I have found that with photography I don't really 'mess up', per say.  There are still moments when I think "Oh, I wish I would have tried this, or done that. "  But actually, it has been the opposite - I should learn to scale back...   I see potential in every angle in every image.  I think most photographers pick their favorite 10 ...  well, not me.  I pick my favorite 50 and then go from there...  I spend a lot of time on the editing.  I edit to highlight the beauty of the pictures.   (Because of this, I am going to need botox at a very young age - this squinty eye wrinkle on my forehead keeps getting worse and worse!) That is where the passion part comes to play - I love it. Really.  Scale back? - I don't think I am able.   It is my creative outlet that was always there - but, I could never find my 'talent.'  Now, that doesn't go to say that I 'have talent' but it definitely means that I have found the patience to cultivate my creativity.  I have finally found my avenue to do that.  Talented?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  But Passionate? - :) 

Speaking of passion.  Here is my truest love - who often happens to be the subject for my passion:  

We went fishing over the weekend.  It was a blast!  We fished for sharks - but mostly caught Nemo (or his friends).  And, I am a catch-n-release kinda gal - so, Nemo and friends didn't stay with us long.  We also went searching for Salamanders.  LB is becoming quite the Little Boy...  Loves dirt and worms! Below are a few pictures of him and his Dad.  

And, here is a video clip of 'Catching Nemo' ( ignore the annoying narrator)!




So, There's this boy...

So, there's this boy...  He stole my heart.  He calls me Mom.


This is LB's Easter / Spring 2012 Pictures.  As I was going through doing the editing and I couldn't help but fall in love with every single one.  Maybe it is just the little man in them, but each one is seriously adorable!! He is my heart. 

Check out more pictures of LB in the Gallery under Holidays and Minis. 




Here are some bloopers from our Senior Session on Sunday - I had fun capturing their silliness!  It made for some great bloopers!  Check out their real Senior Portraits in the Gallery under Senior Smiles!



All grown up

There are only a few weeks left for this graduating Senior, my little brother, Nick.  We photographed his Senior pictures over the weekend.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute, right?  Well, Nick is really busy.  Between sports, working on the farm, and lending a hand whenever it is needed (and squeezing time in for his girlfriend), Senior pictures were low on his priority list.  But, we got 'em done - and just in time! 

We had fun during this 2 hour session.  Nick's girlfriend came with - she was a great help - I got some really natural smiles (and glares) out of him with Courtney's provoking (see Courtney's pictures here)! Our favorites of him are the silly ones.  They aren't the posed and perfect - but they are natural and totally Nick.  

I think I will have to post some 'bluppers' - with their permission of course - because they are pretty hilarious! 

Here he is, all grown up and making big plans for the next chapter - I can't wait to see what he will do next! You can read more about Nick in a previous post: Always 8... Check out all of Nick's Senior pictures in the Gallery!




Senior Smiles new face {Courtney Ann}


 Senior Smiles has a new face added: The lovely Courtney Ann! Isn't she beautiful?! Every picture, every pose was perfect!  

She isn't only a lovely face - she is as sweet as could be - and she is the girlfirend to my younger brother, Nick.  My nephew Cole has already claimed her as his girlfriend when he grows up! Watch out Nick! 

Check out more of Courtney's pictures in the Gallery!



finding inspiration {everyday heroes}

Many of us have heroes.  People in our lives and those throughout history that over come seemingly impossible odds.  They accomplish challenges with humility, grace, and beauty.  That defines true character – not being a victim of circumstance but instead become empowered by those challenges. 

Tucker Morefield had many heroes.  He loved sports (Go Illini!) with every ounce of him.  He shared that bond with many friends and his Dad.  Tucker never realized, but many others did, that He is a hero.  You might be fooled by the first impression, a young man confined to a wheelchair but, it did not confine his spirit.  Tucker was the only boy of triplets born on October 9, 1994.  The Morefield family faced many challenges – but, view every moment in life as a blessing.  They have spent their lives surrounded by supportive family and great friends.  They have had to jump more hurdles then most of us will ever have to encounter in a life time.  Tucker, a born fighter, embraced his individuality.  He welcomed those who did not understand his differences.  He would always be the first to say ‘Hello’ to a strangers gaze.  You can bet that if you gave Tucker a few minutes – he would have you laughing.  His charm radiated every where he went – and to everyone who met him.  Tucker loved life. 

He was blessed to have two sisters that share the same firery tenacity for life.  Can you imagine all of that spunk under one roof?!

Tucker’s spirit was not justified by his body.  It presented him with more and more challenges, and it eventually grew tired.  Tucker passed away on Wednesday, March 28th. His spirit and strength can now continue on without his failing body. 

I have not known Tucker for very long, months only actually.  However, he has made a lasting impression on my life.  His smile made your heart melt – and, you couldn’t help but to smile along with him.  If I can live my life with half of the intention that he did, then I know I will have a fulfilled life.   Tucker physically leaving is sad, but his spirit remains in all those who knew him.  There are so many that will be reminded daily of his joking, laughing, and smiling – that he never really leaves us, the heroes never do. 



And then, there was sleep {finally}

Here is my little Monster. 

And here he is sleeping in his bed! 

YES, he is sleeping in his bed AND slept through the entire night in 1) His new big boy bed and 2) a new home.  Yup, we moved.  I posted a week or so ago: Sharing my bed that we were struggling with this independent / co sleeping topic.  Well, we may have had a break thru!

Maybe he just hated being caged into a crib?  I know it is a little early to say that the habit of crying and wanting to sleep with me in the middle of the night is over - BUT, last night was a VERY good start!  I woke up several times through out the night, startled that I hadn't heard him yet.  I would peek in his door and there he would be - sawin' logs.  When I woke him up this morning he wanted to stay in his bed. I asked if he wanted breakfast - "NO." I asked if he wanted to watch cartoons in Mommy's bed - "NO - NeNe's bed."  He rolled around in his bed for about 15 minutes, slowly coming out of his slumber.  And, I let him - no rush :) For this, we can be late! 

Fingers are crossed for tonight!  



in the dark of night brings clarity for the day


"I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night" ~ galileo

There is beauty in the clarity and silence of the dark night.   I love that.  Stepping outside after a long day and resting a minute on the front porch step. The loud of the world is silenced and there is purity in the smell and sounds - smells and sounds that you can only experience when the world decides to rest.   The stars gleam more brightly when it is darkest. In those moments I feel so small.  And, in that smallness comes a calm.  I exhale deeply, releasing all troubles of the day. It feels that the world weighs on me some days and then I realize that it doesn't.  This is just another day.  And with that brings another tomorrow and another opportunity to not only just exist but to live.  I draw in another deep breath and grin, a thankful smile for the blessing of a wonderful life.  

...Now back to doing laundry ;) - Which, reminds me of a saying a heard somewhere...  

Dishes to do means we have food in our bellies, Laundry to wash means we have clothes on our bodies, and a house to clean means we have a roof over our heads....  And, toys to trip over means I have the most amazingly awesome little man in my life...    

Yup, Our Life is pretty fantastic!

I hope you all have a phenomenal weekend! 
