Coming September 2015, we will be adding another little person to our family. I like to call this unexpected happiness.
I was pretty adamant while pregnant with Miranda, that this was for sure it. No more babies. I was huge, sick, and tired.... and huge. But, as the pregnancy and labor affects wear off, and there is a perfect little baby growing right before your eyes, it becomes a little easier to think about the possibility. I got a little sad as I blinked and before my eyes, Miranda was 6 months old, then 8, then 9... and I felt like the closure wasn't there. That, this may not be the last one. And then surprise! She won't be. But this one will be, maybe! ;)
I love trying to get pictures of these two stinkers - sitting nice and smiling... well, as Brayden gets easier, Miranda won't sit still - and then we get to add another to the mix!
Both Brayden and Miranda were made to care and lookout for someone - Miranda wasn't meant to be the youngest. They are both going to be awesome!