Mallory Jo Gudmunson Bland - better known to most of us as Mal Jo.  She is one of my dearest friends, and I am lucky enough to have her as my sister. Over the past 3 years we have become a lot closer then we were the first 24 years of our life.  

Mallory was the baby of the family for some time until the youngest two us surprised us.  Mallory and I never got a long.  I was hard on her.  As siblings do,  I was picked on by Nathan because I was younger, so naturally I took it out on her being my younger.  Eventually we learned to cover for each other, and she would let me barrow her clothes and shoes but she had her friends and I had my own life too.  Life unfolded for both of us.  She met and married before I did.  She had a home before I did.  Our lives were just in different stages.  Not one better then the other, just different. 


But, we were both pregnant at the same time and got to share in the ups and downs of that experience together.  Then, came newborns and breastfeeding and babies that became 1.  These babies stumbled and fumbled on shaky legs and learned to walk and worked so hard to say their first words.  We experienced those together.  Side by side.  Then came the terrible two's and the tantrums... and now our littles are both 3 (Maxine will be in a few months).  We share in the the many frustrations they cause but rejoice more loudly and smile pridefully at each of their accomplishments and their innocence.  Brayden and Maxine are just starting out.  I can only imagine the mischief they will get into together. Mallory went on to have another little guy, Mason.  I respect the patience it takes for her and Chris to make a marriage and family work. They find a balance in life.  It is a journey I am just beginning (again) and they have been doing it successfully - through the trials and celebrations - they do it.  I really admire both of them.

Mallory is the fashionista of the family - and a culinary artist.  I am neither of those.  Luckily, I have her to dress me and I frequent their house for her home cooking!  She is a beautiful and kind young lady - who also is a wonderful mother, wife, aunt, daughter, and sister.  

I am so glad we found friendship through being sisters and mothers.  I honestly don't know what I would do without you.  Thank you for all of your support :) We Love you! Happy Birthday! 
