I am so blessed to come from a large family.  Growing up was never a dull moment - and I always had someone to play with.  Now that we are grown, we have kids of our own.  And, although Brayden is an only child - he has more than enough cousins to keep him entertained.  For many years, it seemed as though there was always someone that was having a new baby, a new member to join our family.  

Five years ago, that new member was Cole.  He is named after his maternal grandmothers maiden name - I love that.  Two families merged, Cole Gudmunson. 

Cole is just like his Dad.  And on most days, you can bet that where ever Nathan is, Cole is only a few steps behind, in his cowboy boots (no matter the time of year), hands in his pockets, and a smile on his face.  He loves being outside and working with the animals and helping farm.  He takes initiative to already do things on his own - he is a helping hand to his Dad and Grandpa's. 



I see Nathan in Cole - by the smirk on face and in his determination to do things a certain way.  It takes me back to my own childhood - Nathan working outside, usually just a few steps back from our Dad.  Until he determined he could do things on his own - and, he did.  He knew how to drive a loader before his feet could barely reach the pedals.  I know Cole is not far from that.

Those are some of my favorite parts of my life - watching my siblings grow as parents - and watching their children grow into the same person my siblings were as kids.  

Colie - you make us all smile and laugh.  We love watching you grow into the adorable little man that you already are, and into the hardworking, prideful man (just like your Dad) that you will someday be. 

We all love you! Happy 5th Birthday! :) 
