Well, a month ago (give or take a day) I wrote Reflection and Anticipation {2011 Review / 2012 New Beginning} and I am happy to say that I am making progress - and progress can never be a bad thing. Here are the action items I highlighted for resolution for 2012:
Smile more, frown less: I think I am doing A LOT better here. I am making a conscious effort to control my thoughts, both the positive and negative and I can honestly say my outlook is better. I continue to check Marc and Angel for some helpful tips but all in all I can say that after 30 days in, I am smiling more. Very important question: Can frown lines be reversed by smile lines?? Here's to hoping!!
Compliment more, critique less: I am complimenting more. If I think it in my head, I try to say it out loud. Critiquing is more of a conscious effort to not be negative so, ... I am working on it :)
Be a more effective listener: Still not very good at this one. I interrupt A LOT!! And I multi task while listening, which does not make me a very effective listener. So, much improvement is still needed here!
PATIENCE: Still working on this....
Challenge myself: I think every time I take pictures, blog, and tackle one of my DIY projects I am challenging myself so I would say this is going well. I am hoping I can add many more posts in February. At least 2 per week - that is my goal.
Live a healthier lifestyle: Daily struggle. I am a yo yo junk food junkie... I go in kicks - buy healthy food = eat healthy food. Buy junk = eat junk. It is a vicious cycle! One the positive side, I am working out in the morning! A few things that are helping my motivation: 1) the gym is right next door to LB's daycare -literally next door so I am not wasting time driving. 2) I am working out with my girlfriend. We text every night to coordinate schedules. Having someone else to keep me accountable has been beneficial! 3) Realistic standards - my goal is 3 times per week and if I go more than it is a bonus! I am hoping to get up to every weekday - but I am trying to keep realistic standards until I can develop my routine.
Take more pictures: check! I still want to do more but until I can have a cool phone (I have one from the 1990's to save money) that will do this for me, it just isn't as feasible to drag the Nikon around everywhere I go.
Set the 'To Do' list aside: I AM making less lists - but, I am also forgetting a lot of things at the store due to my lack of lists... working on the balance!
Life, Love and Lemons Update: For the month of January I had 232 unique viewers and almost 2000 pages viewed! That is more than double for December! I have a couple of photo sessions to edit and add this week and a few more to take this month. Looking forward to February! Don't forget to get updates via the Facebook page and to contact me on great deals to capture your special moments!