"If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things
you cannot learn any other way."
- Mark Twain
I haven’t posted anything in a while… I have had so many exciting things going on (and a sick 2 year old) that it is keeping me busy … too busy to blog! However, here are some of my exciting happenings:
Reorganized my photography section on Life Love & Lemons – Pictures are now under Gallery and divided by photography theme. I have several exciting topics that I don’t have active yet. One of them is going to be dedicated to Birthdays, of all ages! I have several birthdays that I will be capturing in February that I can’t wait to photograph and post! The other section will be Birth Stories. This is special and deserves its own post – so, more on that topic later. You have to check out the engagement and belly pictures that were added.
The engagement pictures were done outside in Ottawa at Allen Park. The bridge and river gave a pretty backdrop, it was cold but beautiful. There are a few things I would have done differently and some additional shots that I wished I would have captured but all in all not bad for a first time. The couple is adorable so each picture is beautiful just because they are in it. I will definitely utilize Ottawa again for some of its unique older buildings, the bridge, water, churches ect. If you are looking to have engagement pictures taken, I can offer you a great deal! Contact me for details!
The belly pictures I think turned out great! I am really happy with them. Mama and Daddy were so cooperative, and too cute for words! I have lots of favorites and I am still editing! We took over 200 pictures! If you or someone you know is expecting, contact me for a great rate on belly and newborn pictures!
Last week as I was doing some late night editing and restructuring of my site – I noticed I received an email… and I was excited (because I LOVE that someone is interacting with my site) but not only was this someone, this was Amy Kolz. If you are not familiar with her, you should be! This requires a separate post as well… coming soon!
I love checking on how many people are looking at my site and I appreciate you reading and looking at the pictures. I really encourage your feedback. Another set of eyes with an open mind and a different perspective is always welcome.
This is all new to me, the website / content building and photography – I am learning by doing… And LOVING IT!!