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Sunday Lessons



Two weeks ago tomorrow, I finally got Brayden baptised.  Typically, this happens within weeks, or months of a baby's birth.  However, I knew that I would have trouble getting Brayden baptised when I was not really 'practicing'.  But, I believe in the purpose of baptism.  However, what I didn't know were some of the other identifying purposes.  In the past I was annoyed that I was going to have to take a class about getting my child baptised.  I spent 12 years in Sunday school, what could I learn that I didn't already know? And, the Priest went through all of the symbolism with me.  What I didn't know was what this sacrament represented.  Having the Priest educate me on 'why' was really important.  It was something I didn't know - nor would I have gotten had it been taught to me when I was younger.  He said, Baptism is a commitment to God, and to a faith family (those I knew), but it is your identity.  It is who you are - just as your genes are passed down through genetics, your faith is as well.  Wow, I get it.  I now get that when I was struggling with my religion, I would have never entertained the idea of converting.  ever.  I hear that from a lot of Catholics.  It is because it is who we are.  It is part of our identity.  Just as much as I am Norwegian and Republican - I am too, a Catholic.  Those are descriptive titles I would use to describe 'who' I am.

I love when I have those "ah-ha" moments. 

I believe all religions have their own interpretations and Catholics are the same way.  We interpret the Bible in a way that makes us Catholic, just as others do for their own religions.  At this point in my life, I feel it is necessary to have this relationship with God, and with a church.  I am learning so much now, because I have had life experience to help me really learn.  Not only that, I have a great Priest.  To me, that is why I go.  I go to learn.  I go to pray.  I go to pass that on to Brayden.  

The ceremony was a really nice.  Prior to the start, Father Hougan explained the Baptism to Brayden - all of the "what's and why's" on what he was going to do - that was really wonderful.  Here are a few pictures, taken by the wonderful Chris Bland!




Cast the first stone

Promise yourself to be strong that
nothing can disturb your peace of
mind. Look at the sunny side of 
everything & make your optimism
come true. Think only the best & expect 
only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past
& press on to the greater achievements of the
future.Give so much time to the improvement
of yourself that you have no time to criticize
others. Live in the faith that the whole world is
on your side as long as you are true to the best
that is in you.  
Christain D Larson

It's interesting, the moments you play over and over again in your head.  The big ones, that changed your life forever.  And, the little ones, that changed your life forever.  Some are momentous, like the birth of a child, getting married, buying a house, ect.  And others, you would rather forget.  I talk / blog a lot about my own personal growth - basically, because I feel like I have, and will continue to forever, grow.  From where I stand, I think that is a pretty good place. 

Looking back as a teenager, I did some pretty dumb stuff - I would put bets that the majority of the population, as teenagers, would admit to not always making the best decisions.  Some make it out by the sweat of their brow - I never really was a bad kid, but I did like to break a few rules.  As I believe, most teenagers do to some point.  I have told my mom a few of the stories.  She half laughs, but she really shakes her head at the bad decisions we made growing up in her house.  I told her I use to sneak out.  I only did it a hand full of times, but I always left a note...  just encase she realized I was missing, that she wouldn't panic. It looked something like this: "Dear Mom, I came home, but left because of xyz.  I will be back.  Sorry.  Love, Megan."

In collage, I was a really good.  Even more so when I moved away to a University.  I didn't go out.  Those large crowds make me nervous.  I stayed home, a lot.  That is good and bad - I missed out on some fun, but also a lot of hang overs too.  

After collage, up until the point of finding out I was pregnant, I was in a hurry.  Always looking for the next best thing.  More schooling for a different career.  A better job.  One boyfriend to the next, wondering if he was Mister Right.  Trying to make them into Mr. Right.  Friends and family would joke as each one of my siblings got married.  The punch line always being, I wasn't married.  Odds are my younger two siblings (much younger) will be married before me.  Truth be told, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.  Don't get me wrong, I would love to have that life but I will patiently wait for it to be right, not rush it and pretend.  Brayden shifted my life.  Slowed it down by showing me how quickly it passes.  When you have children, you get it.  I had someone say that to me last weekend.  He said, "I didn't understand before.  But now, I have her (his 4 month old daughter) and all I want to do is rush home from work and play with her before she goes to bed.  I get it now."

It is frustrating in life, when you are judged for decisions / actions of your past.  After all, no one has walked on your road, or in your shoes.  People are quick to judge, but not very good at learning.  I am not perfect.  I bet, you aren't either.  And, I still judge - but I am catching myself as I do it.  I tell myself, almost outloud, I don't know thier story.  I am working on leaving the judging to God, rightfully where it belongs. I am not without sin or poor judgement.  Most people have made a least one mistake.  One moment in life they wished they would have handled differently.  But, where are you now? Are you better than you were yesterday, a year ago, or ten years ago? Growth and learning, is the benefit to making mistakes.  Grow.  Learn.  Then move on. Smile and close the door. 

Walk along someone.  Talk with them.   Learn about them.  But, don't judge them.  Love them.  We all have a hard road.  

Not trying to get preachy, but here are a few verses.  Just something to think about.  

"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." John  8:7

"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." Peter 4:8  

"Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony" Colossians 3:12



put an extra five in the plate at church {Sunday Lessons}

I have a little story to tell.  I feel that there is something to it but I can't put my finger on it - or find the word to describe it - but, you will hopefully see what I mean as you read on.

So, big plans for garage sales last Saturday with my Mom.  We hit a community sale and found some real treasures! After piling all of our goodies into the car - it was packed full, We went on our way back home.  There was nothing out of the ordinary.  Unpacked the car, drove to my apartment - then realized I forgot my purse, with my apartment keys.  So, a few curse words later - I drive all the way back to my parents, got my purse, and hung out for a bit.  Then I had to go home and get ready for some photo sessions...  btw: they turned out amazing.  See them here and here

I wanted to stop and get a soda.  I reach for my money (I had roughly $100 cash that I didn't spend at the sales).  It was no where.  I call my mom.  She searched.  And still, no money.  I did my photo sessions and tried to forget about it.  But, that $100 bucks is hard to come by - so, I was literally sick over it.  But, I let it go.  Actually, I didn't.  It was haunting me.  Did I leave it some where?  If so, where???  If it fell out of my pocket, you would think some good citizen would have done something, anything to find the owner.  I mean really, I was shopping at garage sales...  I think that implies I am not a millionaire :)

Like a good girl, I got up bright and early on Sunday so I could go to church.  (This is a new journey I am on.  I posted about it here and here).  As I am sucking down every drop of my coffee before I go in, I am wondering what to do about the offer plate.  I had a few $20's because I got paid for one of my sessions the day before.  But, being I just lost $100 - I by no means could afford to put a $20 in there.  So, I thought, well maybe I will skip this week...  No, I can't do that.  Ugh, I will write a check.  So, I get out the ol' check book and go into the center compartment to get a pen... And wouldn'tchyaknow - there is my money :) Appropriate, finding it while sitting in the church parking lot.  I smiled, and I thanked God for the lesson, AND my money.  

I put an extra $5 in the offer plate - after all, I had it to give.  

Now, I did learn several valuable lessons during Mass - about donating talents and money.  They also talked about us being the branches of the vine - God is the vine.  And, there were some other really good points....  but, I forgot them.  I may have to take in my note book.  Or, ask the Priest if I can take the missalette home and use it for my notes?  Do they do that?  Anyway, I will get it figured out. 

Well, here is a video  -  food for thought.  :)  I am not a HUGE fan of his but, this is a keeper.  Great message.  Happy hump day! 
