Extraordinary Everyday Life.
That is my 'subheading' for my website. This whole photography thing happened in like 1 day, literally. I mulled it over for years - but, one day I just did it. I bought the name, bought the website and started putting it together.
Title: Life, Love & Lemons.
Subheading: ... subheading? like a slogan? motto? Heck, I don't know! I thought for a minute what I wanted to capture through my photography - for the lives of those I am photographing - and, what I wanted 'represented' in my blog. That phrase came poring through - I typed it out - without revision. It's perfect. It really encompasses my today and the trajectory of what I want life to feel like, forever - in my personal life and through my photographs. I want them to feel the emotion. Feel the moment. Feel the extraordinary.
Everyone has an extraordinary life. We all do, in our own right. We choose how to live it. How to run it. How to own it. How to make it ours. We create a life on what we dream and what we believe. We also know that life doesn't always take the same route we dreamed it would. But it is ours.
The dreams and evolution of my own life has shifted more times then I can hardly remember - and, it's only been 30 years. I can't even imagine where I will be in the next 30, but I am ready. I am excited. I am comfortable. I know that some of it I will create. I will work hard on developing, cultivating, nurturing the life I want for myself and my family. I am also comfortable knowing that my dreams are broad enough that they can shift with life because life requires flexibility. I am comfortable with knowing that my dreams may change with the obstacles that are pressed upon us. Changes aren't always easy. Sometimes that learning and shifting and changing produces a curve. These learning curves vary in height, width, and dimension. Some are long and slow and others, they resemble more of an acute triangle then ever a bell curve. But that is life. What we do with it is what makes each of us unique.
A decade ago I was different. A decade ago I was lost. Ambitions to take on anything - but I had no direction. So, I went in many different directions. I love the quote, "not all who wonder are lost." However, I was, admittedly, lost. I don't regret those days. All life experiences give the opportunity to keep trudging down a path that we know will show great rewards. We know because we can feel it. Then there are paths we start down, and realize, it isn't for us. It isn't the succession to failure - it is recognition of what we don't want. I have had lots of opportunities of recognition :) They make me smile, now. They have shaped me. They have changed me, for the better.
A glimpse into my life doesn't look like much. But, simple loving nights make it extraordinary, to me. Last night, I wasn't feeling well. John left his night class to come home and take care of Brayden. We all laid in bed. John tired from a long day. We just sat. Messy house. Nothing packed or prepared for tomorrow. Dishes not done - and something from the freezer for dinner. Laundry piling. We sat exhausted - but not defeated - the opposite really. We relished in the simple. Cartoons on the TV. An online final for John (I help because I miss being in school). Some where, some how, Brayden found lotion and decided he needed to lather up after his bath. Then I persuaded him to put lotion on my legs and feet (what a good husband he will be some day). That lead me to a story of my Grandpa Knute. John and Brayden never had the privilege to know him - but, he was a great man. An Extraordinary Man. I told Brayden that I use to put lotion on my Grandpa's feet and color his toe nails with crayons... And even do his hair. I can still picture it. I can still feel the happiness from those memories. This lead into a discussion about where my Grandpa was and Brayden wanted to know how he could talk to him. So, I explained the best I could. "Grandpa Knute is with God. We can't see him or hear him but he is always around and we can talk to him whenever we want. Just like God." Surprisingly, and not typical, Brayden didn't ask any more questions after that. I usually hear "why?" at least fifteen times when I am explaining something. I am happy that he was content with my answer. Then, we went and got crayons and markers so he could color my toenails... that lead to coloring my feet too. All while we laid in bed. I couldn't have planned a more perfect night.
While creating and living this life, people don't always get me. Some people don't really know me - some think they do and some could give a hoot. Very few really know me. John does. Brayden does. There are a few others that get me and accept me - and there are a few who don't get me, but love me anyway. And really, that is all I need. I have comfort and contentment in my own life, in my own skin. The decade ago Megan cared what people 'thought' of me. The older Megan chooses to live life more consciously and purposefully. I am driven, ambitious, and loving - but perfectly imperfect and flawed in all the ways that make me, Me. I am who I am. Take me or leave me, I live this life for me. For Brayden. For John. It isn't perfect, but it is ours. We live our everyday life, extraordinarily.
You should too :) Own it. Live it. Love it. Extraordinarily.