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Family Smiles


{little butt-cheekers}

I got an email the other day that said something like, "...I was referred to you by a friend,  I have a 15 month old daughter and I would love to get some nudies of her, you know, like her cute little butt and tiny feet... "

I squealed!  "Of Course, lets do some nudies!" :)

She is adorable, and perfect.  She couldn't have been any cuter if she tried!  

She had her 5 year old sister along.  She made a great assistant!  And, talk about naturally photogenic - the camera loved her!

Check out these butt cheekers!  I am going to warn you...  you are going to want to pinch those cheeks, both sets! :)



{family smiles} on the lake

Hi Everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weekend!  I spent it with some beautiful people - and lots of pictures! 

Here is one of several sessions from this past weekend - taken at the lake.   What an adorable family!  The day was picture perfect - and so are their smiles! ;)



Roberts Family, 56 years in the making

There are people in life that come and go - and then there are some that leave a lasting impression forever - Katrina and Nick are two of those people.  The respect I have for them runs deep - even if it is separated by time and miles.  They have both given me something that I will hold onto forever.

Katrina asked me to do family pictures, all of the family was together, and that doesn't happen as often as she would like.  Here is the Roberts family, 56 years in the making:

4 Generations:

1st Grand-Baby (She isn't spoiled, at all)!


Katrina and Guy have been married for 34 years!



Sunsets and Family Smiles

What a busy weekend!  How did yours go?  Busy?  Relaxing?  I feel like summer is starting to wind down, and I have a lot to squeeze in.  I am sure we all feel that way.  So, I will get in what I can  - and still take time to enjoy this hot wonderful weather!  

I have a lot to post about!  So, to start it off - I have the Palmatier Family!  I loved the location and the sun setting - but, most of all - what an adorable family!  The girls were a hoot!  And, I think we all had fun!

See highlights below!  They will also be in the Gallery in Family Smiles!




You are loved {Big Sister Birthday}

I often describe my sister Marcy as a combination of Mother Theresa and Betty Crocker.  And, for those who watched Desperate Housewives, she is Brie without all of the murders and drama.  She always has home baked goods.  Her house is always clean.  She feeds our entire family almost once a week.   I do it once a year for Brayden's birthday and after it is over I swear I will never do it again...  It is so much work.  She always makes it look so easy.  Cleaning,cooking, and always smiling. 


Today is her Birthday.  :) 

Married to her husband Al for 10 years this summer and the mother to 6 children, 3 beautiful little ones that we get to experience and enjoy life with, Malayna, Macey, and Nolan.  And, 3 little ones that are our angels, Makayla, Justin, and Jonathan - we will meet them again when our spirits leave our bodies.  God and Pa have wonderful company.  They say God never gives you more than you can handle - well,  I would say he really pushed his limits on this young couple.  But they survive and thrive - living the only way they know how, making the most of everyday - for every detail is a blessing. Marcy and Al have had a lot of struggles - but they too have more blessings than they could count! And they know it.  

An ongoing theme in my life is not always appreciating what is right in front of me.  Marcy is one of those blessings that I don't give enough credit to - not nearly as often as she deserves.  She is just like our Mom.  She gives and gives and gives.  She smiles all of the time.  She is intelligent and beautiful.  She is a wonderful Mother.  She is a great person to look up to, always has been.  She was the angel, I was not.  Marcy and I spent more hours then I could ever calculate staying up late talking, laughing, crying.  Doing what defines sisters.  As life has it, there aren't too many days when we get to do that like we use to - but she always makes time for her family and friends - and strangers.  She has the heart of a saint.  Her and Al have done more for me then I could ever list.   The message is always the same, We support you, we love you.  If they are like that for their sister - can you imagine the type of parents they are?   

Happy Birthday to my amazing sister - You are loved :)



Cat's out of the bag.... {session reveal}

I don't get that saying...  Cat's out of the bag??  If a cat were in a bag, I am pretty sure we would know it...  Anyway, onto the important stuff...  and by important I mean the adorable session I am now allowed to share.  

The folks that know me, know that I can't do surprises!  I get so excited, that I ruin it - they get gifts early or I go on and on about the fabulous gift they are going to get... and then I talk myself into telling them what it is.  HOWEVER, this surprise I was keeping, kinda...  I got to share it with people I work with and my family, but they were NOT allowed to breathe a word about the top secret Father's Day Photo Sessions.  But, I received a text yesterday that said, it was no longer a surprise - She had to share the beautiful pictures with her husband.  Phewww....  NOW I can share!  Thanks Nicole!  I was having a hard time containing myself!! ;)

Justin - Happy Father's Day, early! ;)






Birthday of Love {mama and her boys}



I shop online a lot...  too much (my family thinks I have a problem).  I purchased a few items from a gentleman that lived near by.  I mentioned that I was going to paint this fabric chair I bought from him :) (Can't wait to try it....  I will let you know how it goes)!  And then, I would use it for my photography sessions.  So, a few weeks later he contacted me about doing something for his Wife's birthday.  They have a new baby and a little guy and he thought it would be special to have a photo session of just Mom and her boys.  

They turned out so lovely...  It melts my heart.  There is a special bond between a Mama and her boys; it is near and dear to my heart for sure! 





I heart Photography {Strait Family Session}

Have I said lately that I love this photography business?  I do! 

And, it's because of the clients.  I get to meet beautiful, wonderful people, like the Strait family.  They have 2 children, and they are as adorable as they are sweet! Lilly, who is turning 3 this weekend was an angel.  She sat and smiled and was the most cooperative 3 year old I have ever photographed - And her pictures are beautiful.  And Walter, he had me cracking up with all of his silly poses - I could have hung out with them all day!  

Without further ado, The Strait Family!



Strait Family

Vintage Vibe

