I fell short on completing my "blog everyday in May" challenge. The summer starts to pick up a lot for my little photography shop - Busy most weekends, be it taking pictures or editing them. So, my intention started out very gung-hoe, but it was hard to keep up. There are still a few of her topics that I plan on blogging about... I just need to wait until I get caught up. The blogging is fun, it has turned into my hobby and therapy and the photography is a business - so, the clients come first. Well, truth be told, they are second... this little guy comes first:
It makes me a little sad to say out loud, but Brayden and I had 5 days in row together. No work. No Photography. I think the last time we had that many days in a row together without much interruption was last summer for vacation. I didn't realize how much I miss that time with him - this week back to work was brutal - all 3 days of it. And, Brayden is with his Dad this weekend - and, I really miss him. That time together spoils us both - it is really hard to get back to that routine, that 7:30-5:30 daily grind. He is growing up so fast - I feel like time is slipping away. He is going to turn into a teenager in the blink of an eye - I pray, daily, that he will still love me like he does now. I pray, daily, that he is gentler on me then I was to my parents. I pray we respect each other, like we do now - but with greater appreciation for where time has taken us.
During our break - the 3 of us went to the zoo - they have a dinosaur exhibit. And, if there is anything Brayden loves as much as his Mom - it would be his dinosaurs. He has loved them for forever it feels like. He is inherently all boy.
I use to worry about Brayden missing the everyday male role model, that I would be confusing his 'maleness' - If there is even such a thing - but, I know now that even though he still likes to put on my jewelry and play with my make-up from time to time, he is all boy. He loves sticks, and worms, and monster trucks, and dinosaurs, and being outside and 'rough houseing'. I apparently us that term now much like my mom use too. It probably sounds something like 'if you boys are going to rough house, go down stairs' - because Brayden now uses that phrase, "John and I are going to rough house - I will be the rough house. Downstairs, right Mom?"
I wish I had a video to capture every silly phrase, every hug, every kiss, every 'so much" response to my "I love you". He will never be like this again. I find myself being happy and sad, excited and terrified all at the same time.
These feelings surfaced up this week being back at work... and then this morning I read this article that was shared on FB - To Parents of Small Children - Go read it. You will laugh and cry - because we all feel it. Because parenting is hard. Because parenting has all of those emotions that you just don't get until you have children to raise... to witness and participate all at the same time. Both Parent and child learning as we go. Parenting is frustrating and exhausting and down right scary sometimes. But, it is the best thing I have ever done, ever. And, I imagine it will always be #1 on my list of accomplishments. I love when I stumble on beauty - the article reminded me of the zoo pictures that I hadn't looked at yet - and then, as I opened the folder, I stumbled on the most beautiful faces, Brayden and John, my family.
In the Life, Love & Lemons front, I updated the Home page with a few of my fav photos. I have the most beautiful families. I also added a new proofing and purchasing site. AND, I bought a new camera!! John asked if I was excited as I examined the new Nikon... my response, "No. I am scared sh!t!#ss". I needed to upgrade, but it is hard to bite the bullet and spend the money. But, now that I have it I am so fascinated by the upgraded / updated technology. I will put it to practice this weekend shooting some of my vintage rentals for my website.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :) Thanks for stopping by!